Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Getting Back To Business

Wow! Hard to believe I have not posted anything to this blog for nearly two years. To say that life has been hectic is to put it mildly. I don't know how some people keep up with such a fast paced life all the time. I for one and tired!

My house has been torn up for months now with what I hope to be the last of the major renovations. This last big push was to actually turn the room my oldest lived in for many years into a real room. By real I mean one with finished walls and a ceiling, closet etc...all the things that make what I call a real room. However, instead of leaving it a bedroom, I am moving my craft studio into this room as it has more than twice the room I had before. I can't wait! It will have plenty of room to have old and hopefully new friends over to have fun. Scrapbook parties, paper crafting time or just good old girl time doing whatever we want!

My old craft room is going to become my exercise room and boy will I be glad to have that room finished also. My allergies are kicking my butt and it just makes it hard to go outside to get my exercise which really stinks. I hate the heat and wouldn't go during the day but evenings here in Colorado are so awesome since it generally cools down nicely. But with how my allergies are right now even that is out of the question. Argh!

Well my plan is to keep this blog more up to date with whatever is happening in my life along with fun crafting, scrapping and social events to come. Subscribe to my blog to keep up with whatever is going on in my little slice of life!